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Top 10 Expert Tips for Creating A Low Maintenance Garden

A low maintenance garden is an achievable and rewarding goal, providing you with a serene outdoor space that requires less effort and time to upkeep.

What does it take to transform your outdoor area into an oasis that stays beautiful with minimal interference?

Here, we unpack the top 10 tips for crafting a garden that’s both splendid and stress-free.

1. Design with Sustainability in Mind

Start by designing your garden with sustainability at its core. Choose native plants that are adapted to your local climate, meaning they will need less water, maintenance, and pesticide application. Creating a layout that mirrors the natural ecosystem of your area will promote a healthy garden that essentially takes care of itself.

When plotting out your garden, think about grouping plants with similar sun, soil, and water needs together, which makes care and watering more efficient. Implementing sustainable elements such as a rain garden, which captures and filters runoff water, can reduce the need for additional watering.

2. The Right Plants in the Right Place

Appropriately choosing plants for your garden is crucial. Select varieties known for their hardiness and low maintenance. Perennials, for instance, come back every year, reducing the need to replant.

Several plants have developed robust defence mechanisms that ward off pests. Lavender and rosemary, for example, are not only beautiful but also naturally repel certain insects.

Remember to check labels for ultimate size and growth habit and ensure that they won’t outgrow their space quickly, causing you more work down the line.

3. Incorporate Hardscaping for Balance

Hardscaping elements, like pathways, patios, and stone borders, not only enhance the visual appeal of your garden but also serve practical purposes. They reduce the area you need to mow or care for and provide clear boundaries for garden beds, minimising the intrusion of weeds into flower or vegetable patches.

When choosing hardscape materials, opt for those that require occasional, rather than regular, maintenance. Materials like gravel or paving stones, when properly laid, require infrequent weeding and don’t need mowing or trimming. Integrate these elements with plantings to create a balanced, purposeful design that complements both nature and structure.

4. Say Goodbye to High-Maintenance Lawn

Traditional turf lawns are notorious for being high maintenance, requiring regular mowing, fertilisation, and watering. Consider reducing or replacing your lawn with eco-friendly alternatives such as clover, moss, or native grasses that don’t require as much upkeep.

If letting go of your lawn completely isn’t an option, look into grass varieties that are specifically bred for slow growth, which means less mowing. Keeping your lawn at a height of around 2 inches can also deter weeds and encourage a strong root system that’ll require less watering.

5. Implement Smart Irrigation Systems

An efficient irrigation system is a game-changer for low maintenance gardens. Drip irrigation or soaker hoses deliver water directly to the base of plants, reducing the amount of water lost to evaporation and the possibility of weed growth in open soil.

Consider incorporating modern technologies like weather-responsive controllers, which adjust watering schedules based on current weather conditions. These systems not only save water but also save you time and the hassle of remembering to adjust your watering routine.

6. Layer Your Plantings Strategically

Using a layered planting approach can create a lush garden that looks after itself. Large shrubs or trees provide the structural backbone, while a middle layer of ornamental grasses or medium-sized perennials adds texture and interest.

Groundcovers complete the picture, suppressing weeds and reducing the need for mulching by covering the soil. Groundcovers like creeping thyme create a uniform, low-carpet look and are a good option in areas you don’t want to mow.

7. Low Maintenance Doesn’t Mean No-Maintenance

While the goal is to minimise garden chores, remember that no garden is entirely self-sufficient. Regular, but less frequent, maintenance is still vital, such as seasonal clean-ups, occasional watering during dry spells for newly established plants, and a watchful eye for any emerging problems.

Undertake routine care in the garden, inspecting plants for signs of disease, pests, or any issues that may indicate a health problem. Early intervention is easier and more effective than tackling a full-blown problem later on.

8. Opt for Recycled and Natural Garden Products

When it comes to garden accessories and tools, seek out recycled or sustainably sourced materials. This can include compost, mulch, containers, and garden furniture. Not only is this better for the environment, but it often means these products are more hard-wearing and require less maintenance themselves.

Natural products also come with the added benefit of being more in harmony with the garden environment, both aesthetically and ecologically. Wood chips and bark mulch, for example, can help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil quality, all while naturally decomposing and contributing to the health of the soil.

9. Control Weeds Early and Smartly

Weeds are a regular nuisance, not only making your garden look unkempt but also competing with your plants for water and nutrients. The key to controlling weeds is to act early and strategically.

Implement a weed control strategy as soon as you plant your garden. Organic mulches like straw, wood chips, or leaves can be effective at smothering weeds and retaining soil moisture. Consider landscape fabric under hardscaping areas if appropriate for your plantings and aesthetic goals, and be vigilant about pulling weeds that sprout up before they have a chance to set seed.

10. Enjoy the Fruits of Your Labour

Perhaps the most important tip for maintaining a successful low maintenance garden is to enjoy it! Spend time in your garden, observing the wildlife it attracts, hosting friends and family, or simply relaxing in the peace and beauty of your outdoor space.

Gardening is incredibly rewarding, and with these strategies, it can be less of a chore and more of a joy. When you immerse yourself in the beauty of the natural world you’ve cultivated, any remaining tasks will feel like a tranquil opportunity to interact with your vibrant, low maintenance garden.


About Surrey Landscapers

Surrey Landscapers is the go-to company for homeowners in Surrey who require a personalised garden design and build service.

No matter the size of your outdoor space, our team of skilled experts will work with you to produce a bespoke solution that fits your budget and meets your specific requirements.

Our extensive knowledge of garden design and techniques enables us to create vibrant and innovative outdoor living space that not only looks great, but also serves practical purposes.

If you need help with designing your outside space or would like some advice on low maintenance garden options please contact us today for more information.

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