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Top Tips For Making Your Garden More Private And Secluded

Secluded Garden Tips

Cultivating peace and tranquillity in your garden can be an amazing way to escape the stresses of daily life. Being able to have a calm retreat in nature right at your back door can do wonders for your health.

Whether you want to spend your time sunbathing, enjoying a calm cup of tea, or simply admiring the plants around you, a garden should be a private space. Maintaining this privacy and ensuring your garden is a sanctuary takes work, but it can have lasting benefits.

If you want to transform your garden into your own private retreat, follow these top secluded garden tips for creating seclusion in outdoor spaces.

Go Vertical With Living Walls

In most gardens, space is at a premium but this doesn’t have to limit your quest for privacy.

Living walls or vertical gardens offer an innovative and aesthetically pleasing way to seclude your space while providing the environmental benefits of additional foliage.

Having a boundary of lush, green foliage can be a great focal point for your garden while also offering protection from prying eyes. Plant tall, dense evergreen trees or shrubs along the perimeters of your garden for additional seclusion that will last all year long.

Make sure to consider plants that will thrive in the local environment and will survive the winter, so you can maintain your privacy no matter the weather.

Climber Plants On Lattice Screens

Training climbing plants to grow alongside lattice screens or trellises has a dual purpose – adding colour to your garden while creating secluded areas.

Providing support for climbing plants can give you privacy in key areas of the garden, as well as encouraging stunning flowers and plants to bloom.

Take some time to consider where you need privacy the most and install lattice screens or trellises around the barrier. Then plant flowering vines or ivy and train them to weave through the open framework.

Once they bloom you will have a covered screen of foliage and petals, sheltering you from outside eyes.

Use Curtains For Instant Seclusion

Outdoor curtains or blinds can be a great addition to any dining area, garden office or entertainment space. Not only do they create barriers between this zone and the rest of the garden, but also offer privacy in an instant simply by drawing them to a close.

There are lots of options for patio curtains and outdoor closures, so you can continue with your design theme throughout the garden while also ensuring seclusion on demand.

Thoughtful Arrangement

You do not necessarily have to add more elements to your garden to cultivate privacy, as you can create shaded areas using your existing outdoor features.

Take some time to consider the arrangement of garden furniture, plants and shades and see where you can construct secluded areas across the garden.

Consider all vantage points from outside your garden and use a combination of features to block them from sight. With strategic placement, umbrellas, furniture and plants can become an amazing tool for seclusion and help construct tranquil zones throughout your garden.

Ambient Noise

Disruptions to your peace are not only in what you can see but also in what you can hear as sound interferes greatly.

Being outdoors means you are subject to the noise of your surrounding environment, including the neighbours, which may be far from relaxing. However, this can be combatted by creating ambient noise throughout the garden.

Consider installing water features, such as waterfalls or fountains to generate a constant ambient noise throughout your outdoor space.

Not only will this reduce the impact of your surroundings on your tranquillity, but will also contribute to the tranquillity of the outdoor space as running water can be incredibly soothing.

Summary: What Is The Best Approach?

To cultivate complete privacy and seclusion in your garden, a blended approach of these tips is your best option.

Combining multiple factors, from the living fences to ambient noise, will significantly increase the tranquillity of your garden while actively combatting any outside influences that may interrupt this.

Using a blend of these top secluded garden tips can transform any garden into a beautiful retreat from the rest of the world.


About Surrey Landscapers

Surrey Landscapers is the go-to company for homeowners in Surrey who require a personalised garden design and build service.

No matter the size of your outdoor space, our team of skilled experts will work with you to produce a bespoke solution that fits your budget and meets your specific requirements.

Our extensive knowledge of garden design and techniques enables us to create vibrant and innovative outdoor living space that not only looks great, but also serves practical purposes.

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If you need help with designing your outside space or would like some advice on news ideas for your garden please contact us today for more information.

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